2008年1月5日 星期六

Blog traffic

1.Send your blog to directoriesYou need to submit your blog to all blog directories.Use this lists:http://www.toprankblog.com/rss-blog-directories/

2 Submit your blog to search enginesPlace your blog on all major search engines.Manual submit it to Google.com ,Yahoo.com , MSN.com, Lycos.com .To do a free submission,use this services:http://addme.com/submission.htm

3 Promote your blog on public forumsGo and register to public forums related to your blog and add your creative comments to posts. Do not mention your blog in your post as most forums do not accept self promotions.But instead, add a link to your blog in your signature.Post as many comments as possible so people will see your link in your signature and click on it.If you write useful and creative comments that would actually spark some interest in other readers, then this will help your blog traffic but if you were to go in and just add things like "I agree" or "great post" or worst some comment that is going to cause huge conflicts, then this could be very bad for your reputation and your blog traffic!DO NOT SPAM OR YOU'LL GET YOURSELF BANNED !

4 The money lies in the list !First of all,build your email list!This is the most important thing you could ever do if you are planning on making ANY money on the internet!The money lies in the list!You have a fantastic blog all set up, you are posting useful information daily, so start getting people to sign up or subscribe by adding a form on your blog!Start building your list immediately!

5 Visit your competitionGo to other blogs that are related to yours and write comments withyour blog link in your signature.

6 Write articlesWrite articles relavant to your blog and submit them to article directories.Write at least 2 articles a day, every single day! Here are some article directories you can submit to :http://ezinearticles.com/

7 New content on your blogAnd just as you should write articles everyday to promote your blog, you should make it a point to blog everyday.All it takes is 10 minutes to make a new post to your blog but the rewards are multiplied by 10 because search engine spiders love new content and this will make them crawl your site and get you much more traffic than you can imagine.

8 Use social bookmarkingAdd your blog posts to Digg.com ,DropJack.com , del.icio.us, spotplex.com and other social bookmarking sites.If members will like your content then your blog will go to first page and you'll receive thousands of FREE visitors.

9 Promote by emailAdd a link to your blog in your email signature. This means that every email you send out will have your blog link at the end.
Original article from: http://gettraffictoyourblogtips.blogspot.com/



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